The 2021 US Mobile Banking Benchmark
Want to know what mobile banking features the top US banks are offering? This report compares 24 US banks across 35+ mobile banking features.
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Comparing Industry
Leading Banks in the UK
The benchmark reviews the following industry-leading banks in the UK.
- Ally
- American Express
- Bank of America
- Bank of the West
- Capital One
- Chase
- Chime
- Barclays
- Capital One UK
- Chase UK
- Co-operative Bank
- HSBC UK Mobile Banking
- Metro Bank
- Monzo Bank
- Nationwide Mobile Banking
- Barclays
- Capital One UK
- Chase UK
- Co-operative Bank
- HSBC UK Mobile Banking
- Metro Bank
- Monzo Bank
- Nationwide Mobile Banking
Covering 5 categories of features
The features found in the benchmark were broken down into 5 categories and include features like canceling a recurring payment, view credit scores, dispute credit card transactions, create disposable virtual cards, and more.
1. Payment &
Card Features
2. Expense
3. Savings &
4. Customer
5. Security
Customers are going digital and banks need to keep up. In Minna’s 2021 US Mobile Banking Benchmark Report, we compare what the top 24 US retail banks have to offer customers in mobile banking.
Where does your bank rank in the growing catalog of mobile banking features?

It isn’t just about acquisition, but retention and engagement. It is ensuring you are serving what customers want today from their bank but also that the experience matches their expectations. Time is money, self-service is key and control and customization continue to top their lists of demands.
Joakim Sjöblom, CEO